Published by Levy Institute

by Michael Hudson for Levy Institute  

The end product of today’s Western capitalism is a neo-rentier economy—precisely what
industrial capitalism and classical economists set out to replace during the Progressive Era
from the late 19th to early 20th century. A financial class has usurped the role that landlords
used to play—a class living off special privilege. Most economic rent is now paid out as
interest. This rake-off interrupts the circular flow between production and consumption,
causing economic shrinkage—a dynamic that is the opposite of industrial capitalism’s original
impulse. The “miracle of compound interest,” reinforced now by fiat credit creation, is
cannibalizing industrial capital as well as the returns to labor.

The political thrust of industrial capitalism was toward democratic parliamentary reform to
break the stranglehold of landlords on national tax systems. But today’s finance capital is
inherently oligarchic. It seeks to capture the government—first and foremost the treasury,
central bank, and courts—to enrich (indeed, to bail out) and untax the banking and financial
sector and its major clients: real estate and monopolies. This is why financial “technocrats”
(proxies and factotums for high finance) were imposed in Greece, and why Germany opposed a
public referendum on the European Central Bank’s austerity program.