In Council Estate Media

in Council Estate Media  

Ukaraine? That's somwhere's near Africa, ain't it? Din't Disney make a fillum 'bout it a yar or two bayack?

NBC is reporting that US and European officials have already broached the possibility of a peace deal with Zelensky. They’re even reporting that Ukraine is having trouble recruiting soldiers and the public are angry at the open-ended conscription requirements. They have suggested that more urgent peace talks will begin at the end of the year, but any peace deal will surely be worse for Ukrainians than the one agreed last year, which shows the foolishness of fighting on.

On the one hand, it’s good the dying is coming to an end, but the US is currently arming Taiwan to the teeth with the apparent aim of doing this all over again with China.

US officials are admitting that funding for Ukraine is running out, and many Republicans only seem interested in approving funding for Israel because they see Ukraine as Biden’s failed war. The US has even suggested Ukraine is running out of soldiers and you need to stop and think about what that means. It means a generation of young men have been decimated: all of this to fight over “inches” of territory.

via Michael