Mentions The Washington Post

Washington Post opinion editor departs as Bezos pushes to promote ā€˜personal liberties and free marketsā€™

in The Guardian  


Jeff Bezos, the self-proclaimed ā€œhands-offā€ owner of the Washington Post, emailed staffers on Wednesday morning about a change he is applying to the paperā€™s opinion section that appears to align the newspaper more closely with the political right.

ā€œIā€™m writing to let you know about a change coming to our opinion pages. We are going to be writing every day in support and defense of two pillars: personal liberties and free markets,ā€ Bezos said.

ā€œWeā€™ll cover other topics too of course, but viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others. There was a time when a newspaper, especially one that was a local monopoly, might have seen it as a service to bring to the readerā€™s doorstep every morning a broad-based opinion section that sought to cover all views. Today, the internet does that job.ā€