Incoming Feed Items

Betsy Phillips

Heidi Li Feldman

Choosing courage β€” Heidi Li Feldman β€” 

Thomas Zimmer

What Authoritarianism Means β€” Thomas Zimmer β€” 

Sarah Kendzior

My Book Tour Information  β€” Sarah Kendzior β€” 

Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges: On the Precipice of Darkness β€” Chris Hedges β€” 

Patricia Roberts-Miller

Demagoguery and Disruption β€” Patricia Roberts-Miller β€” 

Not Just Bikes

How is a Bike Tunnel this Freak'n Great!? β€” Not Just Bikes β€” 

City Observatory

The Week Observed, March 14, 2025 β€” City Observatory β€” 
IBR: Pretending work-from-home never happened β€” City Observatory β€” 

Notes on the Crisis

Nathan Tankus


The New USDOT Is Coming for Your "Woke" Projects β€” CityNerd β€” 

UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)

The Commons Social Change Library

Campaign Boot Camp β€” The Commons Social Change Library β€” 

Open Access Australasia

Strong Towns

Denver Is Tired of Subsidizing Parking β€” Strong Towns β€” 

The Australia Institute

AUSFTA: A bad deal then. Even worse now. β€” The Australia Institute β€” 
Australia’s sick housing joke β€” The Australia Institute β€” 

The Claremont Institute

TDS and Fake Constitutionalism β€” The Claremont Institute β€” 
Overturning Kelo β€” The Claremont Institute β€” 
Cold Civil War Gone Global β€” The Claremont Institute β€” 
Honor and Oblivion β€” The Claremont Institute β€” 
Now What? β€” The Claremont Institute β€” 

Prosper Australia

Wilful Acts of Bastardry β€” Prosper Australia β€” 

Everybody's Home

Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)

Climate Town

The Dumbest Anti-Wind Propaganda On Television β€” Climate Town β€” 

Applied MMT

03/13/2025 Market Update β€” Applied MMT β€”