In Mondoweiss

in Mondoweiss  

In Israeli military terminology, the so-called ā€œHannibal Directiveā€ is the policy of firing upon oneā€™s own soldiers to avert a prospective captive situation.

There is a growing amount of evidence and testimony that suggests that on October 7, the Hannibal Directive was implemented, at least to a certain extent, on Israelis. Whatā€™s more, growing testimonies indicate that this policy was extended to Israeli civilians in the form of indiscriminate fire from helicopters and tanks.

in Mondoweiss  

The current Israeli war on Gaza continues a long history of attacks on and elimination of the Palestinian Christian community in Gaza, Jerusalem, and the West Bank. Since 2007, the small but long-standing Christian community in Gaza has declined from three thousand to about one thousand living in the Strip today; in the West Bank and Jerusalem, the larger Palestinian Christian community of about 50,000 has faced a similar decline over the past few decades.

In large part, this population decline has been driven by the stresses of Israeli occupation, apartheid, and siege in Palestine and facilitated by the greater welcome extended by many Western countries to Christian as opposed to Muslim Palestinian emigrants.

However, as Ramzy Baroud points out, the elimination of the Palestinian Christian community is also convenient for Israel, as it ā€œis keen to present the ā€˜conflictā€™ in Palestine as a religious one so that it couldā€¦brand itself as a beleaguered Jewish state amid a massive Muslim population in the Middle East.ā€

ā€œThe continued existence of Palestinian Christians,ā€ notes Baroud, ā€œdoes not factor nicely into this Israeli agenda.ā€

by Jonathan Ofir in Mondoweiss  

It really is hard to imagine a more malicious statement than ā€œthe children of Gaza have brought this upon themselvesā€ when children in Gaza are now being massacred by the hundreds. But this was actually said in a recent Knesset session. And it wasnā€™t someone considered an extreme right-winger, but a liberal centrist ā€“ Meirav Ben-Ari from Yair Lapidā€™s opposition party Yesh Atid.