Incoming Feed Items

The Claremont Institute

Reviving New College β€” The Claremont Institute β€” 
Make Europe Great Again β€” The Claremont Institute β€” 
The Specter of the β€œWoke Right” β€” The Claremont Institute β€” 
Trump’s New Jacksonian Era β€” The Claremont Institute β€” 
β€œTemporary Protected Status” Is a Fraud β€” The Claremont Institute β€” 
Protecting Church from State β€” The Claremont Institute β€” 

Assigned Media

TWIBS: Golfing Gods Say No More Trans Girls β€” Assigned Media β€” 
The Anti-Care Playbook β€” Assigned Media β€” 
Nico Lang – Embedded with Trans Youth β€” Assigned Media β€” 
Nancy Mace Defeated, Ruined by Normal Handshake β€” Assigned Media β€” 

danah boyd

Bye-bye 2024, I won't miss you. β€” danah boyd β€” 

Chris Hedges

I'm Live on YouTube and X Now...Come Ask Me a Question β€” Chris Hedges β€” 

City Observatory

History shows IBR modeling is simply wrong β€” City Observatory β€” 
The Week Observed, November 9, 2024 β€” City Observatory β€” 
IBR: Planning for a world that no longer exists β€” City Observatory β€” 
IBR’s DSEIS uses the least accurate forecast β€” City Observatory β€” 
IBR contradicts region’s climate commitments β€” City Observatory β€” 
The Week Observed, November 1, 2024 β€” City Observatory β€” 
Needless purposes: How IBR violates NEPA β€” City Observatory β€” 
Hello world! β€” City Observatory β€” 


The Best Airports for Car-Free Travel 2025 β€” CityNerd β€” 

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Liberty Street Economics

Strong Towns

Strong Towns Gift Guide: DOT Decoder β€” Strong Towns β€” 
The Truth About Parks and Rec β€” Strong Towns β€” 

The Australia Institute

Secret research undermines democracy β€” The Australia Institute β€” 
Mapping how extreme heat exacerbates inequality β€” The Australia Institute β€” 
Queensland has more coal mines than ever before β€” The Australia Institute β€” 

Just Money

The Equality Trust

UK Still Taxes the Poorest More Than the Richest β€” The Equality Trust β€” 

Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)

Staff Appointments β€” Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) β€”