One of the most regular and biggest scare campaigns Australians are subjected to is that Australia is about to run out of gas – that households will not be able to run heaters in winter or the light will go out in summer and the air conditioners will stop working because there will be no gas to power the electricity.
These warnings are increasingly shrill. In March for example The Australian newspaper warned that “Urgent action needed if Australia is to avoid catastrophic gas shortfall”. Despite getting through winter without a catastrophe this morning The Australian newspaper is now warning, that a “Perfect storm’ warning” has been issued to Australia’s east coast energy market.
It is all balderdash.
Australia digs up and exports a lot of gas. A really, really large amount. How much? Try 82,000,000 tonnes of the stuff each year. That is the 2nd largest amount of LNG production in the world, suggesting we are pretty good at it. But all that gas ends up as global greenhouse gas emissions and we’re meant to be reducing emissions.