
By Katy Swain, 8 November, 2024

Update, 20/12/2024: I shouldn't leave my audience hanging. A few weeks after writing this, I had a working phone, but there was a snag with transferring my old number over. As this was now at the pointy end of the academic year, I hadn't the time or spoons to deal with this, but I could at least make and receive phone calls. A few weeks later, my assignments all submitted, I finally got that sorted. Numerically, I'm me again!

Granted, I knew this was coming. I'd heard from better informed people than myself that although my phone works on Vodafone's network, which had switched off it's 3G support in January, it would not work on Telstra's network when it came to decommission it's 3G.

By Katy Swain, 1 January, 2024

[The reader is advised to to hear the following in an Alan Bennett-style northern lilt.]

I feel torn between congratulating myself on how much I achieved this year, and chiding myself over what I didn't do. It's just my way, I suppose.

I Went Out in Public as Me

It seems hard to believe now, but the most I'd ever done prior to 2023 was to occasionally sneak out onto the back stairs of Hellscape Court with a glass of wine, late at night when I was reasonably certain the psychopaths had all passed out.