Published by Over Zero

for Over Zero  

This is why I find the "attacking LGBTQ people is a vote loser," arguments no consolation. There are six good (i.e. bad) reasons why fascists do it, and winning votes is only one of them:

This report explores the connection between two escalating crises: the systematic targeting of LGBTQ communities and democratic backsliding worldwide.

It examines how the rhetorical, political, and physical attacks targeting the LGBTQ community are, in addition to a critical rights issue, a key tactic in the authoritarian playbook, cloaking themselves as culture war politics as usual. 


It outlines six goals of LGBTQ scapegoating: 

  • Stigmatize: By censoring discussions and depictions of marginalized groups, perpetrators further stigmatize them, reinforcing their status as scapegoats.

  • Mobilize a Base: Turning LGBTQ communities into a common enemy energizes and consolidates political support among certain factions.

  • Win Elections: Exploiting fears related to the scapegoat helps gain electoral support and secure victories in political contests.

  • Polarize: Manufacturing controversies along fault lines unifies authoritarian movements and sows divisions within a political opposition.

  • Distract: Inflaming fear, disgust, and anger at scapegoats diverts attention from critical issues, government failures, or unpopular policies.

  • Normalize Political Violence: Targeting LGBTQ individuals through intimidation, violence, and militia activities desensitizes the public to violence against this group and society at large.