Incoming Feed Items

Submission: Consultants: corrosive and conflicted

 — Organisation: The Australia Institute — 

The NSW Government should reduce its use of consultants and have firmer rules for the consultants it does use.

NSW Parliament should consider limiting political donations from contractors, an order for papers for consultants reports and requiring consultants to appear before Estimates.

The Australia Institute’s submission makes the following recommendations:

  1. Oversight of the NSW Government’s use of consultants be strengthened.
  2. Include public sector capacity building in consultancy contracts.
  3. Improve data on the NSW Government’s use of consultants.
  4. Publish a clear and strict revolving door policy for public servants.
  5. The NSW Parliament issue a standing order for papers, for the production of consultant reports and advice.
  6. The NSW Parliament consider whether consulting firms could be called before Budget Estimates when they have taken government work.
  7. The NSW Government and Parliament review whether a ban on political donations and other contributions from big government contractors, including consulting firms, would be appropriate and, if so, how it might be implemented.

The post Submission: Consultants: corrosive and conflicted appeared first on The Australia Institute.

NeuRizer underground coal gasification project – economic considerations

 — Organisation: The Australia Institute — 

Coal gasification is a polluting, costly and outdated technology. The NeuRizer proposal would bring no economic benefit and significant environmental risks. It should not receive federal or state government approval.

The post NeuRizer underground coal gasification project – economic considerations appeared first on The Australia Institute.

Community-owned wind: Lessons from Denmark

 — Organisation: The Australia Institute — 

Renewables and wind in Australia, % of total power

The 8th Deadly Innocent Fraud of Economic Policy

 — Organisation: Understanding MMT — 


  1. Raising interest rates works to slow the economy, increase unemployment, and bring down inflation.
  2. Reducing interest rates works to support the economy, reduce unemployment, and increase inflation.


The Fed has it backwards.

Rate increases cause government deficit spending to increase and support the economy, reduce unemployment, and support inflation.

And cutting rates reduces government deficit spending which reduces economic growth, employment, and inflation. 

When the Fed announces a rate increase, the only thing that changes for the government is that the Fed increases the interest it pays out to the economy (on reserves and on reverse repurchase accounts). The Treasury pays out more interest to the economy on new securities that it issues, called Treasury bills, notes, and bonds. 

Furthermore, as the rate increases are not done in conjunction with offsetting tax increases, the increase in government interest expense is all new deficit spending that’s added to the US government’s budget. In short, Fed rate hikes continuously flood the economy with new money. 

Does the Government Create Money?

 — Organisation: Understanding MMT — 

The Claim:

Completely False

The Real Cost of War

 — Organisation: Understanding MMT — 

The Claim:

Completely False

Webinar – The Multisolving Way

 — Organisation: Multisolving Institute — 

This webinar introduces multisolving and the Multisolving Way. People will learn:

Intergenerational Effects of Government Borrowing

 — Organisation: Understanding MMT — 

We hear a lot about the supposed intergenerational effects of government borrowing. Apparently, if the government borrows ‘too much’ now, it will impose a financial burden on future generations. People living in the future will have to pay for our government’s current spending in excess of taxation. For example, current Fed Chair Jerome Powell argues, ‘Over the long run, of course, it [government debt] does [matter]. You know, we’re effectively … borrowing from future generations. And every generation really should pay for the things that it, that it needs. It can cause the federal government to buy the things that it needs for it, but it really should pay for those things and not hand the bills to our children and grandchildren’.

So, is such a view justified? Fortunately, the answer is no. The argument expressed above is based upon a profound misunderstanding if the actual nature of the monetary system in general and government debt in particular. It is founded on the erroneous view that the US government is a currency-user and needs to acquire funds from taxes to pay the value of bonds when they mature. It is also based on the idea that at some point in the future, the total level of outstanding government debt needs to be paid down to zero (or at least reduced in size). From this perspective, future taxpayers will be handing over their money to pay down the public debt, which will become especially troublesome if the public debt gets ‘too big’ now.

Modern Monetary Theory, As I Understand It

 — Organisation: Understanding MMT — 

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is a framework for understanding government fiscal policy, taxation, and money creation and how they affect the economy. It offers a way of thinking about deficits, debt, and the role the government can play in achieving public purpose. Tax liabilities come first, allowing government spending that provides an initial injection of currency that enables tax compliance and directs economic activity. This spending initiates aggregate demand and contributes to macroeconomic conditions.

Modern Money Systems and Differing Currency Regimes

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) reveals how the monetary operations and policy limitations vary for governments under different monetary regimes such as flexible exchange rates (examples include the U.S., Japan, the Euro area, and the UK), fixed exchange rates (such as those in, Bulgaria and Saudi Arabia), currency boards (like Hong Kong), and dollarization scenarios (seen in Ecuador and El Salvador). MMT explores the differences in policy options that governments experience without self-imposed restrictions compared to those operating under a variety of restrictions, including fixed exchange rates and monetary unions.

Is a Universal Basic Income the Answer to Rising Inequality?

 — Organisation: Understanding MMT — 

Dr Steven Hail discusses universal basic income versus genuine job guarantee schemes to offset accelerating technological change and rising inequality.

WE LIVE IN AN ERA of inequality, relative poverty, social exclusion, insecurity and underemployment.

e are told that accelerating technological change will wipe out millions of jobs and drive us even further towards a society of “haves” – in their well-paid jobs made productive by cheap, robotic work-mates and “have-nots”  driven out of paid employment by the androids.

For many, the obvious answer to all this is a universal basic income (UBI) — an unconditional payment made to all adults, so that they can still function as consumption machines and at least survive – even though there are no jobs left for them to do.

In a sense, a UBI can certainly be afforded by currency-issuing governments. Those governments are hardly going to run out of the currencies they issue.

But there are some problems with a UBI:

Where Does the Magic Money Tree Grow?

 — Organisation: Understanding MMT — 

The term ‘magic money tree’ is much beloved by the critics of modern monetary theory (MMT). Their story of the magic money tree begins with money’s traditional creation myth; money springs from barter and represents a cost-saving alternative to barter [1]. In the story, money is a private-sector invention, and only later do governments get in on the act. According to their fable, private sector business generates money from ‘productive’ activity. The state siphons off some of this ‘proper’ money in the form of taxation in order to fund public services.

This is an often wasteful and invariably inefficient process. The government can, of course, borrow money from the private sector, but this brings its own dangers; borrowing must be repaid, and it places a burden on future taxpayers. Of course, the higher borrowing will raise interest rates, adding to the supposed intergenerational burden. This was famously noted by Margaret Thatcher.

“The state has no source of money, other than the money people earn themselves. If the state wishes to spend more it can only do so by borrowing your savings, or by taxing you more. And it’s no good thinking that someone else will pay. That someone else is you.”
“There is no such thing as public money. There is only taxpayers’ money.”

Modern Monetary Theory Opens a Range of Economic Possibilities

 — Organisation: Understanding MMT — 

NEARLY 30 YEARS AGO, a New York fund manager named Warren Mosler noticed a discrepancy between what he saw day-to-day in his interactions with the Federal Reserve and the way almost all academic economists write about money. The way they write, you would think currency-issuing governments need to tax before they can spend — Mosler noticed it is the other way around.

Getting this wrong is not trivial. It biases policy narratives. It misleads politicians into thinking that there is something inherently good or sustainable about budget surpluses. It misleads them into worrying about finding the money to meet their commitments when that is the wrong question to ask.

Mosler wrote a book called Soft Currency Economics and reached out to the leading lights of the profession, eventually discovering a group who were interested enough to discuss his ideas. The group called themselves post-Keynesians, although, in fact, they are the modern-day economists who remain closest to the works of the great 20th-century economist John Maynard-Keynes.

Social Security is Not a Ponzi Scheme

 — Organisation: Understanding MMT — 

This post was previously published in 2011 and 2017 at other locations. It is republished here with permission and references President Trump’s then OMB Director, Rick Mulvaney.

Mulvaney spread the myth among the American public, and there is a good possibility that if a re-elected Trump decides to push the line that the austerity hawks are selling, then he, too, will begin to call Social Security “a ponzi scheme” too.

And then he will use that meme as a rationale for delivering the $2.8 Trillion in its special Treasury bond accounts to the private sector. Now, here is my previous post on the “Ponzi scheme” fairy tale.

Rick Perry’s loose talk about Social Security being a Ponzi scheme, is generating a lot of contrary ink, or electronic bits as the case may be. Cullen Roche has provided an excellent analysis, accompanied by a great discussion which begins this way.

Jerome Powell Spreads National “Debt” Myth

 — Organisation: Understanding MMT — 

The Claim:

Completely False

Webinar – FLOWER: Visualizing Solutions for Equity, Climate, and Health

 — Organisation: Multisolving Institute — 

This interactive webinar introduces FLOWER, which stands for Framework for Long-term, Whole-system, Equity-based Reflection. In the webinar recording Join us to network alongside people with similar interests, learn about FLOWER and the ways it can support your work, and gain insights about the potential multisolving holds to create systems change.

We especially encourage people working across multiple silos in communities, non-profits, businesses, or government to use FLOWER. This includes community leaders, teachers, and systems thinkers. However, the webinar is open to all interested in utilizing the tool.

Healey-Driscoll Administration Launches Climate Science Advisory Panel; Dr. Sawin named as panelist

 — Organisation: Multisolving Institute — 

Massachusetts Governor Healey and Lieutenant Governor Driscoll launched a Climate Science Advisory Panel through the new Massachusetts Office of Climate Science (OCS). Multisolving Institute Director and Founder Dr. Elizabeth Sawin has been named to serve as a panelist.

“The creation of the Climate Science Advisory Panel will be a tremendous resource as we integrate climate action into every agency in state government,” said Climate Chief Melissa Hoffer. “We must commit to following the latest scientific findings and expand our whole-of-government approach to tackle future extreme climate events. The guidance provided by these experts will ensure that we have the latest data to promote public awareness of climate change and to make the best decisions for our communities.”

Read the full press release here.

The post Healey-Driscoll Administration Launches Climate Science Advisory Panel; Dr. Sawin named as panelist appeared first on Multisolving Institute.

Multisolving: Making Systems Whole, Healthy, and Sustainable

 — Organisation: Multisolving Institute — 

Imagine the future we could build if we could effectively work across borders between nations, issue areas, jurisdictions, and departments. We could be much better prepared for the future, especially when it comes to climate change and equity.

Multisolving solutions come from achieving meaningful results across sectors. From Malaysia to Canada, we can see that coming together and collaborating across the lines that, too often, artificially divide us can accelerate progress and help us reach multiple goals at once.

Multisolving for Resilience: RITA Summit Recap

 — Organisation: Multisolving Institute — 
On August, 7th Multisolving Institute Director Beth Sawin joined a panel on Community, Reciprocity, and Sustainability at the Loka Initiative’s Resilience in the Anthropocene [RITA] Summit. She spoke about four principles that can build resilience to environmental shocks in communities. We share her remarks below:

I have four principles for building community resilience I’d like to offer today. I’ll get to those four quickly, but first— two pieces of background so they make more sense. I live in Vermont, and we have been getting slammed with climate change impacts. Some have made the national news, but the disasters are ongoing.

Picture a small mountainous state, with settlements in river valleys, especially for less affluent Vermonters. Then picture a very rainy June, waterlogged soils. Then picture in one weekend in early July, six to nine inches of rain in just a few days — that’s when four to five inches is normal for the whole month. That’s the flooding that made national news. We’ve had storm after storm since then, including one that dropped another six inches on part of the state. It rained all night last night.

In my thoughts, you’ll hear this reality in Vermont but please know I’m offering the specifics to illustrate general principles that I believe apply everywhere. So please listen, beyond the specifics, for what these examples might mean for your place.

Multisolving: How Do You Know It When You See It?

 — Organisation: Multisolving Institute — 

Multisolvers work at all scales and across many sectors. Yet they have four practices in common.

Disaster Recovery Efforts Can Serve More than One Goal

 — Organisation: Multisolving Institute — 

This opinion piece from Dr. Sawin stems from the devastating July 2023 floods that took place in Vermont.

A multisolving recovery would ensure that every dollar and every hour of investment serves more than one goal,” Sawin said.  “It would design for the future that’s coming, not the past we once knew. It would expand the idea of recovery to include nature and community, as well as bridges and roads.”

Elizabeth Sawin speaks on multisolving in two new podcasts

 — Organisation: Multisolving Institute — 

In two new podcasts, Multisolving Institute Founder and Director Elizabeth Sawin talks multisolving and system thinking. Read below to learn more.

Climate Leadership and Multisolving: A Conversation With Katharine Wilkinson of The All We Can Save Project

 — Organisation: Multisolving Institute — 

Join Multisolving Institute Founder and Director Beth Sawin on Thurs., July 28 at 12pm ET for a conversation with Katharine Wilkinson, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the The All We Can Save Project. Grounded in Dr. Wilkinson’s expertise in and vision of a leaderful and feminist climate movement, the conversation will explore the ways in which the climate crisis is also a leadership crisis. What type of leadership is needed today? How can we each find our unique contribution?

Racial Equity and Multisolving: A Conversation With Nathaniel Smith of Partnership for Southern Equity

 — Organisation: Multisolving Institute — 

Join Multisolving Institute Founder and Director Beth Sawin on Wed., May 4th at 12pm ET for a conversation with Nathaniel Smith, who serves as Founder and Chief Equity Officer of the Partnership for Southern Equity (PSE). PSE advances policies and institutional actions that promote racial equity and shared prosperity for all in metropolitan Atlanta and the American South. Nathaniel is also a member of the Multisolving Institute Advisory Board.

In the webinar we will explore Nathaniel’s definition of racial equity, why racial equity must be a central focus of multisolving, and learn more about PSE’s approach to advancing racial equity in health, energy, economic opportunity, and land use. This webinar is the first in Multisolving Institute’s series of conversations about multisolving with leaders in the US and internationally.

Register for Webinar

Read below to learn more about Nathaniel Smith and the work of PSE.

Trans Women in Sport: What Does the Science Say?

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Authors: Dr Sav Zwickl, Eli Ward-Smith, and A/Prof Ada Cheung

Content warning: This blog contains reference to exclusion of, and discrimination against, trans people in sport.


A trans woman jogging outdoors, wearing headphones

A trans woman jogging. Credit: FG Trade via iStock.

In recent years, significant attention has been directed at trans women in sport. This has included the spread of misinformation and disinformation including inaccurate depictions of trans athletes in the media. In turn, some international, national, and local sporting bodies have developed policies regarding trans women that are based on opinion rather than scientific evidence.

Yes, Trans People Are Still Being Refused Health Care in Australia

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Authors: Dr Sav Zwickl and Tomi Ruggles

Content warning: This blog focuses on anti-trans discrimination in healthcare settings, including personal stories from trans individuals about their discrimination experiences.

A trans person sitting on a hospital bed, their hair tied back, looking sadly at their doctor

A trans person sitting on a hospital bed, while their doctor looks at a digital tablet. Image credit: FG Trade via iStock.

The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights clearly states that all people in Australia have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and to have their culture, identity, beliefs and choices recognised and respected when receiving health care.  This includes trans and gender diverse (trans) people.

Why is There a Shortage of Oestrogen Patches in Australia... Again?

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Author: A/Prof Ada Cheung

A woman sitting and applying a HRT patch to her leg

A woman applying an oestrogen patch to her leg. Image credit: svetikd via iStock.

Many cisgender and trans people rely on oestrogen hormone therapy – but the recurring national shortages of patches look set to continue.

Since 2020 or so, there have been recurring national shortages of oestrogen transdermal patches in Australia.

These easy-to-use skin patches are applied to the skin like a sticker and deliver oestrogen directly into the bloodstream. They contain the hormone oestradiol, an oestrogen that is naturally produced in the human body and in people recorded female at birth, it has a major role in maturing and maintaining the reproductive system. Oestradiol is also important for bone health, heart health, and maintaining mental health and wellbeing.

Non-Binary People and Gender-Affirming Hormones and Surgeries

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Authors: Dr Sav Zwickl, Tomi Ruggles, and Joël Murray

Content Warning: Brief mention of healthcare discrimination, gender-affirming surgeries using medical terms for body parts, and mental health. There is also a photograph of a non-binary person holding a syringe, about to inject testosterone.

Note: It is generally recommended that non-binary people are not divided up according to their sex recorded at birth, as this can shift the focus from gender towards sex in a way that can undermine non-binary identities and experiences. However, in some cases, this categorisation is important, including where there are notable differences based on sex recorded at birth that warrant acknowledgement and discussion.

A bearded non-binary person hugging their non-binary partner. Both people are smiling.

A non-binary person hugging their agender non-binary partner. Image credit: Levi Meir Clancy via Unsplash.

Non-binary is a broad umbrella term for people who have a gender that does not fit exclusively into the woman/man gender binary. This includes a broad range of genders, including genderqueer, genderfluid, bigender, and agender.

Behind the Scenes of our World-First Fitness and Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy Study

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Authors: Eli Ward-Smith and Dr Sav Zwickl.

Content Warning: This blog contains reference to exclusion of, and discrimination against, trans people in sport, and mention of minor medical procedures.

In recent years, significant attention has been directed to trans and gender diverse (trans) people in sport. Misinformation and disinformation about trans athletes are rife, and this has been highly damaging to trans people and their allies.

Part of the challenge in contesting this misinformation and disinformation is the lack of scientific evidence regarding whether gender affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) has a positive or negative impact on athletic performance. Our recently published reviews on the impact of GAHT on physical performance and sports participation clearly outline the limitations and gaps in research in this area.

This lack of evidence has allowed the spread of misinformation in the media about trans people in sport to continue, and sporting bodies have developed policies based on opinion rather than evidence.

What are we doing to address the gap in research?

Why Are Trans People at Higher Risk of Long COVID?

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Authors: Eli Ward-Smith and Dr Sav Zwickl.

Content Warning: Mention of mental health; discussion of COVID-19 vaccination and COVID-19 illness.

Two people walking together, holding hands

A non-binary person and a woman walking together, holding hands. Both are wearing face masks. Image credit: Disabled and Here.

End of 2023 Review

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

2023 has been challenging as the trans community face unprecedented levels of anti-trans discrimination and violence. With so much of the harmful rhetoric based in misinformation and disinformation, this year we have prioritised science communication and have spent significant time and energy engaging with government, community organisations and other key stakeholders such as sporting bodies, to ensure accurate, evidence-based information directs policies that impact trans people.

Trans Health Research at the 2023 AusPATH Conference

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Content Warning: This blog includes mention of mental ill-health and suicidality. 

The Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH) is the national peak body for people working to improve the health, rights and well-being of trans and gender diverse (trans) people. This year, the biannual AusPATH Conference was held in Melbourne from 2-4 November.

The Trans Health Research Team presented 12 oral presentations and 3 posters over the 3-day conference, sharing both recently published and yet-to-be-published research to an audience of over 500 attendees. 

A doctor standing at an AusPATH podium and presenting a slideshow about anti-androgens

Dr Lachlan Angus presenting his research on anti-androgens at AusPATH Conference 2023. 

Clinical research presentations

Endocrinologist and researcher, Dr Lachlan Angus presented his latest clinical trial findings, including a randomised controlled trial (RCT) comparing spironolactone and cyproterone in trans people commencing oestradiol, and a cross-sectional study looking at bicalutamide as an antiandrogen.

Do Higher Oestradiol Levels Result in Better Mental Health and Wellbeing?

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Authors: Dr Sav Zwickl and A/Prof Ada Cheung.

Content Warning: This article contains brief mentions of psychological distress, life satisfaction and gender congruence.

An Asian transgender woman smiling and laughing, waving rainbow flags

A trans woman. Credit: Supitnan via Adobe Stock.

There is no consensus on optimal oestradiol levels for trans people using oestradiol gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT). International guidelines vary, suggesting goal oestradiol concentrations anywhere between 250 pmol/L and 1000 pmol/L, but these recommendations are based on expert opinion and the approximate range for cisgender women across the menstrual cycle, rather than clinical evidence.

Over the last few years, we have observed an increase in trans people in Australia seeking high doses of oestradiol, while their doctors understandably have reservations about prescribing oestradiol GAHT well above levels recommended in current Australian guidelines.

A World-First Trial on Fast Access to Testosterone

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Authors: Dr Brendan Nolan and Dr Sav Zwickl.

Content Warning: Mention of depression, gender dysphoria and suicidality.

Trans Health Research recently published findings from our study on the impact of fast access to testosterone gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) on mental health and wellbeing in the peer-reviewed journal, JAMA Network Open.

Reandron testosterone packet and vial sitting on a desk

Reandron testosterone, which was used in this study. Credit: Steve Tritton via Shutterstock.

Results showed significant reductions in gender dysphoria, depression, and suicidality after 3 months with early testosterone GAHT use compared to standard care. Remarkably, over half of the study participants receiving testosterone experienced resolution of "thoughts of hurting themselves or that they were better off dead".

Oestradiol Implants in Australia

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Authors: Dr Sav Zwickl and A/Prof Ada Cheung.

What are oestradiol implants?

An estradiol implant is a small, slow-release pellet containing the hormone oestradiol. Implants are inserted into the fatty tissue under the skin, preferably in the top of the buttock.

The Australian Informed Consent Standards of Care for Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy recommend a starting dose of 100mg every 6-12 months, and a maximum dose of 200mg every 6-12 months. In a recent survey, we asked trans people using oestradiol implants about the frequency of their implants, and the majority reported that their implant was replaced when their oestradiol blood concentrations fell below a certain level (57%), indicating the importance of regular blood tests. 15% of the people we asked, had their implant replaced 6 monthly, while 4% had it replaced every 9 months, and 8% yearly.

A trans woman speaking with a nurse who is wearing blue scrubs

A trans woman speaking with a nurse. Credit: Renata Angerami via iStock.

Why do so few doctors prescribe implants?

Accessing Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy in Australia

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Authors: Dr Julian Grace & Dr Sav Zwickl.

Content Warning: This article contains brief mentions of genitalia, and other body parts. When referring to specific parts of the body, we use anatomical/medical terms e.g., clitoris, breast.

I’m over 18 and thinking about gender-affirming hormone therapy. Where do I start?

There is a lot of information out there about gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT). Not all of it is correct, and some of it might be applicable elsewhere, but not in Australia. So, let’s start with the basics.

Trans and gender diverse people have all different types of feelings about GAHT. While some people want to start hormones and see big changes as quickly as possible, others want to take it slowly, and it may take years to decide that GAHT is right for them. Some people might pause their GAHT for different reasons (e.g., to achieve a pregnancy), some are happy to stop their GAHT after achieving certain physical changes, and others don’t want GAHT at all. All of these are valid pathways, and no one pathway makes a person more or less trans.

Trans People Living with HIV in Australia

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Author: Joël Murray (they/them), living and working on unceded Wangal Country, Eora Nation.

Content Warning: This blog discusses topics of sex, sex work, injecting drug use, stigma, and identity-based discrimination.

A red ribbon, symbolising HIV awareness, on a red background

Credit: Maksym via Adobe Stock.

From Melbourne to Chicago: Sharing Our World-First Clinical Research at ENDO 2023

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 
A group of people of varying genders standing together, all wearing suits and name lanyards.

Dr Brendan Nolan (center) with international trans health colleagues at ENDO 2023.

ENDO is the leading global meeting on endocrinology (hormone) research and clinical care hosted by Endocrine Society. The annual meeting provides an opportunity for endocrinologists, health care practitioners, and scientists to come together and showcase cutting-edge advances in research and medicine, with presentations spanning the spectrum of science, clinical care, and social implications.

Two people standing in front of a poster. The woman is smiling and gesturing to the poster. The man is smiling, with one hand in his pocket.

A/Prof Ada Cheung (left) with Dr Brendan Nolan (right) at ENDO 2023.

Two of our clinical researchers, A/Prof Ada Cheung and Dr Brendan Nolan, joined over 7,000 other attendees at ENDO 2023 in Chicago from June 15-18.

Spotlighting Trans Suicidality at the National Suicide Prevention Conference 2023

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 
From left to right: Dr Angela Nicholas from the Centre for Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Dr Sav Zwickl from Trans Health Research and Leo Rhodanthe from DISCHARGED.

From left to right: Dr Angela Nicholas from the Centre for Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Dr Sav Zwickl from Trans Health Research, and Leo Rhodanthe from DISCHARGED.

Content Warning: This article contains mention of suicidality and discrimination faced by the trans community.

The National Suicide Prevention (NSP) Conference is an annual conference hosted by Suicide Prevention Australia. The conference provides a space for suicide prevention experts to showcase evidence-based solutions and robust discussion, and is widely regarded as the premier event in the suicide prevention calendar.

Despite almost half of trans people attempting suicide at some point in their lives, trans suicidality has been notably absent from previous years’ conferences.

What has TRANSform Achieved in its First Three Years?

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 
Teddy Cook and Ariel Ginger presenting TRANSform research findings

Teddy Cook (ACON Health and TRANSform collaborator) and Ariel Ginger (TRANSform researcher) presenting research findings at the Australian Professional Association of Trans Health Conference in Darwin, 2022.

What is TRANSform?

TRANSform: An Australian longitudinal gender health study is an ongoing research project that aims to produce priority-based and community-led research to improve the health and wellbeing of the trans and gender diverse community.

Anyone who has a gender that is different to what was presumed for them at birth, currently living in Australia, and aged 16+ can join TRANSform. Since its launched three years ago, over 2,000 trans and gender diverse (trans) people from all over Australia have taken part, making TRANSform the largest ever trans research project in Australia.

Not only is TRANSform the largest project in terms of participant numbers but it is also the largest ever trans-led project in Australia. Trans people lead every stage of the research, from design to implementation, data analysis and reporting.

Options for Oestrogen, Anti-Androgen, and Progesterone Hormone Therapy in Australia

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Authors: Stephanie Sheahan & Tomi Ruggles.

Content Warning: This article contains reference to genitalia, sexual arousal (erections), fertility, and sexual health. When referring to specific parts of the body, we use anatomical/medical terms e.g., penis, testicles, nipples, sperm etc.

Note: Not all people want the same changes from using oestrogen, anti-androgens, and progesterone, and not all bodies will respond the same to hormone therapy. All the body changes described in this article are typical but not universal. You can watch some videos showing the diversity of individual experiences at the bottom of this post.

A trans woman of colour with purple braided hair, wearing a purple top, smiling

Credit: Igor Alecsander.

What is oestrogen?

Oestrogen, or estradiol, is a sex hormone that is produced naturally in our bodies, and in people who were born with ovaries it is the main sex hormone. Testosterone is produced by the testicles, so people born with testicles will tend to have a naturally higher level of testosterone, and it will be their main sex hormone.

Options for Testosterone Hormone Therapy in Australia

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Authors: Dr Sav Zwickl & Elliot O’Donoghue.

Content Warning: This article contains reference to genitalia, menstruation (periods), and sexual health. When referring to specific parts of the body, we use anatomical/medical terms e.g., clitoris, vaginal canal.

Note: Not all people want the same changes from using testosterone and not all bodies will respond the same to hormone therapy. All the body changes described in this article are typical but not universal. Lower doses of testosterone and lower levels of testosterone will likely impact the rate of changes, and whether some changes occur at all. You can watch some videos showing the diversity of individual experiences at the bottom of this post.

Genital Changes, Periods, and Pelvic Pain in People Using Testosterone

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

Authors: Dr. Sav Zwickl and Dr. Alex Wong.

Content Warning: This article contains descriptions and images of genitals. We also reference menstruation (periods), sexual activity, and other sexual health topics. When referring to specific parts of the body, we use anatomical/medical terms e.g., clitoris, vaginal canal.

Note: Not all people want the same changes from using testosterone and not all bodies will respond the same to hormone therapy. All of the body changes described in this article are typical but not universal. Lower doses of testosterone and lower levels of testosterone will likely impact the rate of changes, and whether some changes occur at all.

A genderqueer person laying down while being examined by a gynaecologist

Image credit: Gender Spectrum Collection.

End of 2022 Review

 — Organisation: Trans Health Research — 

2022 has been a year of challenges but also opportunity and hope. We have experienced a climate of intense, harmful political 'debate', often contrary to scientific evidence and the lived-experience of the trans community. Whilst we are steadfastly focused on undertaking scientific research to improve trans health, in 2022, our voices as science communicators has never been more important.

As clinicians treating trans people and as researchers in trans health where >50% of our team are trans people with lived experience, we have a unique perspective to educate the public and influence policy debate. In 2022, we shared our research through media, peer-reviewed publications, national and international meetings, seminars, and conferences, and in training sessions with healthcare professionals. Refreshingly, we’ve seen Australians rebuke the politics of division at the Federal election and our resilient community come together.

Below are some highlights from our year.

Accelerationist possibilities in an ecosocialist degrowth scenario

 — Author: Jason Hickel — 

I want to make a brief intervention here to highlight an aspect of degrowth climate mitigation strategy that has so far been inadequately developed.  It is widely understood that scaling down less-necessary forms of production can contribute substantially to decarbonization, in two direct and obvious ways. First, it directly reduces emissions in addition to what can be achieved through efficiency improvements and renewable energy deployment.  Second, it reduces total energy demand and therefore makes it possible to decarbonize the energy system much more quickly, because it is not necessary to install as much new infrastructure, and the process of doing it involves less extraction and emissions. These are powerful benefits.

But there are several other benefits to a degrowth scenario that are less widely understood and are worth considering.

How popular are post-growth and post-capitalist ideas? Some recent data

 — Author: Jason Hickel — 

Here is a list of studies, surveys and polling results that shed some light on popular perceptions of post-growth and post-capitalist ideas. I will seek to update this list periodically.

Scientists’ support for post-growth

1. A survey of nearly 800 climate policy researchers around the world found that 73% support post-growth (i.e., agrowth and degrowth) positions.  In the EU, 86% of climate policy researchers support post-growth positions.  Source: Nature Sustainability (2023). Also see press release: “Green growth loses favour with climate policy scientists”; and a write-up in The Conversation.

Universal public services: the power of decommodifying survival

 — Author: Jason Hickel — 

One of the central insights emerging from research on degrowth and climate mitigation is that universal public services are crucial to a just and effective transition.

Capitalism relies on maintaining an artificial scarcity of essential goods and services (like housing, healthcare, transport, etc), through processes of enclosure and commodification. We know that enclosure enables monopolists to raise prices and maximize their profits (consider the rental market, the US healthcare system, or the British rail system). But it also has another effect. When essential goods are privatized and expensive, people need more income than they would otherwise require to access them. To get it they are compelled to increase their labour in capitalist markets, working to produce new things that may not be needed (with increased energy use, resource use, and ecological pressure) simply to access things that clearly are needed, and which are quite often already there.

The limits of the UN's Planetary pressure-adjusted HDI

 — Author: Jason Hickel — 

In 2020, the UNDP published a new metric that for the first time seeks officially to adjust the Human Development Index (HDI) for ecological pressure, accounting for countries’ carbon emissions and resource use on a per capita basis.  This is an important step forward; I support the effort and I applaud the work of those who are involved.  But the new metric, known as the Planetary pressures-adjusted HDI (or PHDI), also suffers from several significant limitations, and in the end does not tell us very much about sustainability.  

The fallacies of GDP reductionism: A response to Warlenius

 — Author: Jason Hickel — 

Rikard Warlenius has written an article on what he calls “the limits to degrowth”.  In it, he states that because degrowth researchers argue the climate crisis cannot be addressed by decoupling alone (which is true), the only conceivable alternative is to drastically reduce GDP (which is false). He also applies GDP reductions to developing countries. These are ill-informed approaches to climate mitigation that no serious academic would propose, and which scholarship on degrowth and climate justice explicitly rejects. 

The paper is based on false claims about the scientific literature, uses invalid methods, and yields cartoonish results: Warlenius says that to keep global warming to 1.5C, global GDP would have to decline by 86%.  In the UK, GDP per capita would have to decline by 97% (!). Indeed, he goes so far as to say that GDP per capita would have to decline for many lower-income countries too, including India by 39%, Indonesia by 68%, Brazil by 82%. 

These are bizarre figures that have nothing to do with what degrowth proposes. The scientific literature takes a categorically different approach to climate mitigation, with empirical evidence from degrowth scenarios that strongly contradicts Warlenius’ claims. Warlenius does not engage with this literature, or even cite it. This is not an acceptable approach to science.

On the mortality crises in India under British rule: A response to Tirthankar Roy

 — Author: Jason Hickel — 

In a recent article published in World Development, we drew on newly available data to calculate that India suffered 50-165 million excess deaths during the mortality crisis of 1881-1920 (an average of 1.3 to 4.1 million excess deaths per year over the period, depending on our assumptions about ‘normal’ mortality). Following recent scholarship, we attribute the crisis to British colonial policy, such as the use of asymmetrical tariffs and technology restrictions to undermine India’s manufacturing sector, and the forced drain of foodstuffs and raw materials out of India for export to England. In 1902, the Indian economist Romesh C. Dutt estimated that the annual outflow of goods from India was sufficient to meet the nutritional requirements of 25 million people. As Dutt put it: “If any of the prosperous countries of the world – America or England, France or Germany – had been subjected to such conditions, would not that country have been reduced to poverty, and visited by famines, within a few decades?”

We highlighted these figures in a short piece for Al Jazeera. Tirthankar Roy then challenged our claims in a series of tweets, which we respond to here. 

Extreme poverty isn’t natural, it’s created

 — Author: Jason Hickel — 

Over the past few years, this graph has become something of a sensation.  Developed by Our World In Data and promoted widely by Bill Gates and Steven Pinker, the graph gives the impression that virtually all of humanity was in “extreme poverty” as of 1820 (i.e., living on less than $1.90 per day, PPP; less than is required for basic food). OWID has used this figure to claim that extreme poverty was the natural or baseline condition of humanity, extending far back into the past: “in the thousands of years before the beginning of the industrial era, the vast majority of the world population lived in conditions that we would call extreme poverty today.”  In other words, virtually all of humanity, for all of history, was destitute until the 19th century, when at last colonialism and capitalism came to the rescue.